Friends & Family 
Union Supply Direct provides Family and Friends inmate package programs.
Union Supply Direct offers offender and family package programs for either state-wide agencies or individual facilities. Union Supply Direct draws upon the entire range of products offered by Union Supply Company and Food Express USA to create completely customized programs.
Union Supply Direct delivers quality and value while eliminating the chance of contraband entering your facilities in packages sent directly from family members. Union Supply Direct also saves you the time and money spent scanning and inspecting incoming packages.
Union Supply Direct creates fully customized package programs to meet our customers’ specifications. We can offer monthly, quarterly, seasonal or holiday programs that allow purchases directly by offenders, or only friends and families. All catalogs, order forms, posters and web sites are provided at no charge and are created and supported by our in-house Art and Design department.
Union Supply Direct provides up-to-the-minute reports on any schedule showing complete details of the financial performance and projections for your seasonal or ongoing package programs customized according to your requirements.
Inmate Package Programs
On Going Programs
Our Inmate Direct sales programs offer a wide range of all our products. These programs are ongoing throughout the year and usually allow both inmate and family and friends to purchase. Catalogs are customized with only the items approved for your program.
Seasonal Programs
Our seasonal programs are usually implemented quarterly (spring, summer, fall and winter). These programs offer all the same benefits and customization options as our Inmate Direct sales programs only during intermittent times throughout the year.
Holiday Programs
Our holiday programs offer all the benefits and customization options as our Inmate Direct seasonal programs with special menu selections and services just for the holidays.
Religious Items Program
Union Supply Direct offers an entire catalog of religious and devotional items so that all offenders can be served by one vendor with a completely secure, transparent distribution system.
Customer Service
Union Supply Direct provides a fully bi-lingual, in-house call center for Friends and Families of offenders.
Toll Free Phone: 866-404-8989
Toll Free Fax: 888-857-6219